Monday, November 15, 2010

Time to study Gods word?
Read the following passages, and learn how to become a man/woman after Gods heart.
Become a Victorious Christian! Properous and Succesful!

*Read: Deuteronomy 31:1-34:12 and Joshua 1:1-6:27
Maybe you have been praying for a long time about something and you feel like giving up.
Well, that something is your Canaan (Promised Land)!
Your River Jordan is whatever seems to be standing in your way of achieving that something or getting that something!
You have to develop courage and determination.
God has planed your way through your river Jordan.
Don’t focus on your problem, focus on Gods word.
Follow these instructions the same ones God gave Joshua.
• Then enter your Canaan (Promised Land)!
Your very own life of prosperity and success!
Be willing to let God lead!
Follow His instructions!
On the other side you will find your prayers answered.
Don’t be afraid to trust God.
All you have to do is go through the hard times and know that God is with you.
Press on be determined and confident!
Make the necessary changes in your life.
Cast away your old habits and addictions.
Just like Joshua, you can be a man/woman of honour.
Read the rest of this article....

Gods will for us is to live in His Care, Love and Protection!